5 Moves to Shape Your Arms for Summer

It’s that time of the year!  Hot weather and fun summer fashion mean bare arms.  These five moves will sculpt the shoulders, biceps, and triceps, and will get your arms ready for strappy sundresses and bare-shouldered tops in no time.

Arm Workout

Double Row
Stand in a staggered stance with left hand on a bench or back of chair.  Lengthen the spine and draw the navel toward the spine.  With an 8-15 lb. dumbbell in the right hand, pull up the dumbbell with the elbow close to and above the torso, palm facing the ribs.  Release the arm to starting position, then pull up the dumbbell with the elbow wide, palm facing back.  Repeat each movement 10-12 times.

Arm Workout

Goalpost Rotation
Stand with feet parallel, holding 3-8 lb. weights.  Lift the arms out to the side at a 90-degree angle, like a goal post.  Rotate the arms forward until forearms are parallel to the floor, and rotate them upright again.  Make sure not to swing the torso.  Repeat 12-15 times.

Arm Workout

Lateral Raises with Variations
Stand with feet parallel, 1-3 lb. dumbbells in hands.  Lift arms out to the side at shoulder height.  Keep the shoulders and shoulder blades pressing down, and be sure the elbows stay a little bent.  Keeping the arms out to the side, rotate the arms in dinner-plate sized circles 10 times.  Reverse the direction, and circle 10 times.  Then lift and lower the arms about 2 inches, 10 times.

Arm Workout

Finally flip the palms up and down 10 times (up and down = 1 rep).

Arm Workout for Summer

Biceps Curls
Stand with feet shoulder distance.  Using 5-12 lb. dumbbells, hold the dumbbell in the left hand with the arm bent to a 90-degree angle, palm facing up.  This arm stays static as you bicep curl the right arm up to the shoulder and all the way straight for 10 reps.  Then hold the right arm in the 90-degree angle by the side, as the left arm does 10 bicep curls.  Finally, curl both arms, full range of motion for 10 reps.

Arm Workout

Diamond push-ups
Touch the index fingers and thumbs, creating a diamond shape with the hands, and place the hands underneath the center of the chest.  Come up onto the balls of the feet with the legs straight (push-up position), or onto the knees in a modified plank, with navel drawn to spine.  Bend the elbows incrementally, taking a four part push-up– half way down, all the way down, half way up, all the way up.  Make sure to keep the core engaged so there is no sinking in the hips.  Repeat the four part push-up 10 times, then do 10 more push-ups without the stop in the middle.

Amy Bishop, Fabletics Master